Friday, September 14, 2012

Today is Septembe 14th. My last Blog Post was clear back in May, A pet scan was done and I was told that my cancer has doubled in size even after 6 weeks of radaition to my sturnum,  they also found  more Cancer in the Lymph nodes. I was given the option to go on a tough 18 month round of Chemotherpy to srink the tomers or just let things progress because at this point nothing has even touched this Beast.  This was a very tough decission because they also talk to you about quality of life. I have had a constant positive warm feeling  and knew with in a week that I was going to go ahead with the treatment. I have so much to look forward to in my life to just give up :). I was told that there was a new drug that had just gotten cleared from the FDA, it mixed with a drug called Taxoteer, Herception, Purgetta. All mixed together was supose to have a really high rate of slowing the cancer way down. I had my first dose Friday Aug 24, it took 6 hours and I did pretty good until Sunday night my daughter Holly's 30th birthday. I didn't lead on just how sick I was, but felt like I had food Poisoning and was not getting relief. Next the bone pains set in and by wednesday I knew something wasn't right so I called my Dr. and he got me into the office and started asking what symptoms i was feeling. I told him I was also having a lot of pain on my right side, very sharp pains. I was sent home with some meds for ulcers but wasn't getting any better so by Saturday I was so sick and in so much pain I had Larry take me to the hospital. I was realsed 2 hours later saying that my white count was up and no fever. I was so confused. I went back to the doctor that next week with more pain and did an ultrasound and found that my liver was inflamed so off to the hospital! More tests came back postive for 6 ulcers and a non functioning Gallbladder. i was quickly rushed to surgery to have my gallbladder removed. The surgery went well and i spent another 4 days on the hopsital recovering. I do not consider this a setback in my life, but rather a blessing. I'm so thaqnkful to my Father in Heaven for blessing me with a wonderful family and such amazing friends. How could I not be happy? :) It would be so easy to look at my life in the wrong way, to question all that is happening to me. But I cant, The Savior has suffered far greater than I and for that example I am greatful. My chemo will continue and i will stay strong knowing that my Father in Heaven Loves me, and that the savior is always by my side. :)

Hugs, Lisa


  1. Dear Lisa,

    You are in our hearts and prayers. Don't give up - you are so strong. I can't believe all you have already done. I remember the day at the temple with Jade and Tim and how good you looked. You are an inspiration to all of us.

    Love you, Renee Smith

  2. Oh Lisa, I love you! You are amazing and so so strong. Keep up the good fight and know that you're in my prayers.
